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Record, Search & Clip Live TV

Know and act on what's happening now with SnapStream.
  • Clip TV with a live side-by-side transcript
  • Easy to learn & use for non-experts
  • Search recordings via closed captions
  • Post directly to social media and Slack

Clip and share video—from and to—anywhere

SnapStream runs in the cloud and integrates with 20+ cloud storage, video, and social media services.

7+ billion

Video views

100+ million

Audience engagements

300+ thousand

Social media posts by customers

Take video from multiple sources and share to multiple destinations

Some of the biggest brands are our best customers

The Washington Post
World Economic Forum
Center for American Progress
Media Matters
Atlantic Council
US Global Leadership Coalition
Media Research Center
Rolling Stone
Talking Points Memo
Major League Soccer
MLB Network

Our customers share their success stories

Major organizations and influencers use SnapStream to know what's going on, clip short-form videos, make moments, and go viral.


“We've got a hockey stick—up and to the right—with all of our growth”

A leading financial education company doubled growth targets after implementing a Moments Strategy fueled by short-form videos.

The company has grown its quarterly engagement by 10x since becoming SnapStream customers in late 2022.

Chart showing large growth in engagement for YouTube shorts after a customer adopted SnapStream


Media monitoring & rapid response

Video production & digital publishing

Advertising & proof of performance

Easy to use, also for pros

Integrate TV into your tech stack

While working great on its own, SnapStream can also plug TV content into your organization's existing workflows in multiple ways. Have questions? Just ask!

Single sign-on (SSO) via SAML

Security group-based permissions

AWS S3-compatible storage options

Powerful workflows enable customized, automatic data retention schedules

20+ integrations with cloud storage and video services 

Web API and RSS feeds for custom integrations


Let us show you how much better TV can be

SnapStream TV Search is easy to learn and use. It's built for non-experts to do more—much, much more—with their cable TV.

Reach out today to learn how SnapStream can enable you to record and clip live TV in the cloud, from anywhere at any time.

Illustration of a figure holding a representation of text and another figure holding a video player